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CRP III: Building a Recognition Blueprint

Total Credits: 0.6 CRP

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CRP III – Building a Recognition Blueprint
Baseline assessment tools, alignment between organizational strategy and recognition strategy, components of management responsibility, and common recognition measurements are all provided by this course. Participants will map their own current recognition practices and programs with a recognition-specific audit tool, assess the gaps, set goals to close the gaps through a strategic recognition plan, identify ways to ensure management responsibility, and set meaningful measurements. Participants will also gain exposure to several assessment tools, recent best practice case studies, and measurement tips.

When you finish CRP III, you will be able to:

  • Conduct an initial current state recognition inventory/audit
  • Identify baseline measurements
  • Align recognition strategies to business objectives and desired behaviors
  • Plan the future of your organization’s recognition strategies
  • Identify goals to support a strategic recognition plan
  • Describe the benefits of surveys and focus groups
  • Explain the two major components for successful management responsibility
  • Make a plan to track your efforts / programs
