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Susan Hall

Corporate Engagement and Community Development

Gateway First Bank

Susan has over 25 years’ experience in the field of recognition and engagement. Susan is the first person in Oklahoma to obtain her CRP designation. She has used her knowledge in her field developing and managing recognition and engagement programs with the world’s largest satellite entertainment company DIRECTV world-wide, to building recognition programs while her former founder and CEO became Governor of Oklahoma. Today, Susan is the Director of Corporate Events and Community Outreach for Gateway First Bank. In her role with Gateway, Susan develops corporate giving, recognition and engagement programs, manages corporate events and volunteerism. Susan holds a degree in early child hood and has received many accolades for her contributions to the community engagement field.

Susan is a culture champion who’s motivated by employee results. Susan is a mentor, community volunteer, mom, inspired leader and a savvy strategist. Susan enjoys telling a good story and a colossal white chocolate mocha cup of coffee!

Product Type
On Demand

2020 Virtual Conference Bundle
Robert Ward |  Susan Hall |  Brian Dodds, CRP, CRP |  Ashlee Green
49 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
As our world has been impacted by a pandemic, have you been challenged to change your incentive program strategy? Join us as experts discuss how to to adapt your programs and share best practices as w...
$30.00 - Nonmember

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