Hear from recognition leaders at Wells Fargo and LMI how they used RPI’s Best Practice Standard “Recognition Strategy” to build recognition programs that supported their company cultures. Learn how organization leaders think about culture and how we have used our recognition strategies to help drive the desired company culture. We will tie this back in particular to the recognition strategy best practice with maybe a more indirect tie back to management responsibility.
Building peer to peer recognition is a foundation to creating a truly engaged culture at your organization. Social recognition is engrained in our US culture and receiving feedback from those individuals with whom you work closest is at times more gratifying than accolades from management.
How did Laura Hudson go from being tormented daily as a child by bullies and hiding behind a wig afraid to look up from the floor to a woman who is unapologetically herself and always sharing the joy in life? She found happy. In her session "Finding Happy," she will detail the steps you need to take to not only find the joy in times of stress but also to use the practices to create a workplace that your employees look forward to every day! Finding Happy... at Work!
Are you challenged with delivering a meaningful ROI number to your business? You are not alone and we are going to help! Creating a valued ROI for your organization is one of the best ways to grow your program and convert even your toughest challengers.
According the AON 2018 Global Employee Engagement Survey, “For the second year in a row the Rewards & Recognition dimension is the strongest driver of engagement.