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2020 Virtual Conference Bundle
Paul Herr
57 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
How did we arrive at a world where: 1) only 30% of employees care about their work, 2) half of us will suffer from a mental illness, and 3) crime and drug abuse are rampant? Much of the blame can be placed at the feet of a small group of engineers who cobbled together a concept called "scientific management" 100 years ago. The speaker will expose "scientific" management for what it is; a demeaning, un-scientific, inefficient system that fails to tap into the power and energy of the human spirit.
$0.00 - $30.00

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2020 Virtual Conference Bundle
Corinne Selk, CRP
34 Minutes
Audio and Video
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In a matter of weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has radically transformed our work and personal lives. Traditional incentives such as annual bonuses are no longer enough to keep employees inspired. To boost engagement, organizations need a year-round rewards strategy that will help create long-term emotional connections with their employees. This session will highlight the impact of gratitude in these times of uncertainty, and the ROI of carving out an employee recognition budget from your total rewards pie.
$0.00 - $30.00

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2020 Virtual Conference Bundle
Kevin Yip
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Join Kevin Yip, Co-Founder and COO at Blueboard, for a discussion around developing organizational empathy – and the ability to welcome and support your employees in their current state, providing them the runway to truly thrive at work. We'll outline the concept of organizational empathy (what it is, why it matters), with a focus on people-centric values, the foundation for building empathy.
$0.00 - $30.00

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On Demand

2020 Virtual Conference Bundle
Brad Shuck |  Amy Stern
52 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Discover the latest recognition research and insights from thought leaders and experts in employee engagement, culture and employee/customer experience.
$0.00 - $30.00

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Dr. Salvatore Falletta, SHRM-SCP, GPHR
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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The future is bright for HR analytics if performed ethically and responsibility. However, a recent study conducted by Insight 222 (2017), found that ethics and privacy concerns jeopardize 81% of HR analytics projects. This webinar introduces the HR Intelligence Cycle as an evidence-based and ethical approach for establishing an HR analytic function and core capabilities. In addition, this session will share some ethical guidelines to arm HR leaders and people analytics with the tools to proactively address ethical quandaries and challenge questionable people analytics practices in their organizations.
$0.00 - $30.00

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On Demand

Theresa Harkins-Schulz, CRP |  Andy Davis
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
One of the challenges with working remotely is the volume of virtual meetings. With increased demands, how do we effectively communicate using technology to produce results? Additionally, many people are camera shy, unsure how to participate and struggle to have their voice heard on conference calls. Across the globe, Design Sprint communities are collaborating to solve real business challenges using sprint methodology and online collaborative tools. Join us for this interactive session using Mural, an online collaboration tool to showcase a world of possibilities for your virtual collaboration needs. This is sure to be memorable meeting experience -- not an exhausting one, we promise!
$0.00 - $30.00

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On Demand

Theresa Harkins-Schulz, CRP
53 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The Employee Experience in today’s workplace is continually transforming. This session will introduce five trends that are influencing the Employee Experience. You’ll learn about how diversity and inclusion programs are evolving, the importance of recognizing five generations in the workforce and how work/life balance is being redefined.
$0.00 - $30.00

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Mr Roy Saunderson, CRP, MA
51 minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Gain a continuous improvement mindset so recognition is a positive experience for employees and a powerful tool for achieving corporate results and great ROI.
$0.00 - $30.00

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Dr. Paul White
57 minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Although 90% of all workplaces have some form of employee recognition program, employees still report high levels of not feeling valued. Managers and supervisors are frustrated, not knowing what to do to encourage their staff. Discover the core conditions for individuals to truly feel appreciated and how to empower your staff by giving them thanks in the ways that are meaningful to each individual. Learn how to apply the concepts from the bestselling, The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, to your daily work-relationships.
$0.00 - $30.00

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Anne Loehr
54 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
What is EQ? EQ is similar to IQ; IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient whereas EQ stands for Emotional Intelligence Quotient. EQ is a measure of your ability to monitor, identify, understand and use emotional information, whether it comes from you or from somebody else. Those with a higher EQ are able to manage feelings like anger, happiness, insecurity, or fear in order to “respond” to situations rather than “react” to situations. Studies show that up to 80% of the average person’s personal and career success can be attributed to their level of EQ. The good news is, EQ can be increased with practice.
$0.00 - $30.00

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